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The case of former Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Romanowski. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski and Mirosław Suchoń comment

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– Mr. Romanowski cannot cope mentally with this situation – said Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, senator of the Civic Coalition, in “Fakty po Faktach”. In this way, he referred to the case of the former deputy head of the Ministry of Justice Marcin Romanowski and the support of the parliamentary regulations committee for the prosecutor's office's motion to strip him of his immunity. The chairman of the Polska 2050 club, Mirosław Suchoń, said that Wednesday's meeting of the regulations committee and the prosecutor's office's information on Romanowski's case were “devastating”.

The Sejm's regulations committee voted to lift the immunity of the former deputy head of the Ministry of Justice, MP Marcin Romanowski. The prosecutor's office is bringing 11 charges against him, including participation in an organized criminal group. The Committee also voted in favour of the Sejm granting consent to the detention and temporary arrest of the Law and Justice MP.

In the opinion of the National Prosecutor’s Office, the evidence collected indicates a reasonable suspicion that Romanowski, who was responsible for the Justice Fund, committed 11 crimes. The amount related to the charges against Romanowski – as reported by the prosecutor's office on Wednesday – amounts to over PLN 112 million.

READ: Details of Fund management, concerns about evidence destruction. What is in the application in Romanowski's case

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The guests of Wednesday's “Fakty po Faktach” commented on Romanowski's case.

– I have the overwhelming impression that Mr. Romanowski is not coping mentally with this situation – commented Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, senator of the Civic Coalition, on TVN24. He referred to the situation when, in response to the prosecutor's motion to lift his immunity, as well as the motion to arrest and detain Romanowski, he stated that “in a country ruled by bandits, the place of honest people is in prison”.

– I hope that (Romanowski – ed.) has at least some remorse – added Kwiatkowski. He recalled that the accusation against the former deputy minister of justice during the government PIS concerns, among other things, participation in an organized criminal group.

– What is participation in an organized criminal group? In agreement, in the presence of at least three people, with a premeditated intention, often also later covering up the tracks. Exactly everything that is captured on tapes and during conversations – explained the senator of the Civic Coalition. – We have met all the conditions related to significant damage and participation in an organized criminal group – explained the guest of “Fakty po Faktach”, adding that the prosecutor's office had to file such charges.

READ: The Justice Fund was supposed to help victims of crime, but “acted like a perpetrator of violence”

Suchoń: This was devastating information

The chairman of the Polska 2050 club, Mirosław Suchoń, said that Wednesday's meeting of the regulations committee and the information from the prosecutor's office regarding Romanowski's case were “devastating information”.

– I want to emphasize strongly that what was presented today, this specific evidence of criminal activity in a descriptive way, where the prosecutor, presenting the case, said: “Mr. Romanowski came, gave a list of five organizations to Ms. Tomasz M., the director of the department, and later the director gave it to the employees of this department and these organizations were supposed to win,” Suchoń said.

– I think that the prosecutor's words are an apt summary of what happened today: “in the Ministry of Justice, we, as citizens and lawyers, would expect that law would prevail, not lawlessness,” he added.

– And today, what the prosecutor's office said (at the committee meeting – ed.), all this evidence, was information about great lawlessness in the Ministry of Justice during the PiS government and during the government of the minister (Zbigniew) Ziobro – assessed Mirosław Suchoń.

The issue of Kaczyński's letter

The guests of “Fakty po Faktach” also talked about the letter Jarosław Kaczyński sent to Zbigniew Ziobro in 2019. Its content was quoted by “Gazeta Wyborcza”. According to this daily, the PiS chairman requested “an immediate ban on Solidarna Polska candidates from using the Justice Fund during the election campaign”. Kaczyński warned that cases of irregularities “may have disastrous consequences for the course of the campaign”.

According to Mirosław Suchoń, this shows that PiS was aware of the irregularities in the Justice Fund.

– Kaczyński's letter proves that this was not knowledge limited to the Ministry of Justice, but rather knowledge that was common in Law and Justice – emphasized the chairman of the Poland 2050 club.

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