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The government has changed, and the National Health Fund is still chasing doctors for prescriptions for unreimbursed milk for sick children

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The change of government did not change anything in this case. The National Health Fund is still pursuing doctors for prescriptions for unreimbursed milk. For sick children, it was the only chance, a life-saving measure, which is confirmed by subsequent expert opinions. However, officials stand their ground. The requested amount is PLN 7 million in total.

Doctor Jolanta Tyczyńska, a neonatologist, now has to pay a fine of almost PLN 200,000 for saving the lives of many children a few years ago, including by giving them milk that turned out to be unreimbursed.

She has just received a payment order from the District Court in Warsaw. The National Health Fund filed a lawsuit against the doctor. The case has been dragging on for many years.

– I was hoping that if the ruling team changes, there will be justice, but it means that justice probably doesn't apply to us doctors, because it's not only about me, it's about others too. I have the highest penalty – says Jolanta Tyczyńska, a pediatrician and allergist.

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All experts say the doctors did the right thing

In total, the National Health Fund is demanding as much as PLN 7 million from the group of doctors who prescribed milk to sick children. He demands this money even though all the experts say the doctors did the right thing. Their actions saved the lives and health of many children throughout Poland. Another opinion on this matter was prepared by specialists from the Supreme Medical Council. Among others, by Professor Andrea Horvath-Stolarczyk.

– The situation is completely incomprehensible to me. I would like to remind you that both the societies supported the actions of doctors, and finally our national consultant and, above all, the group of experts – emphasizes Dr. Hab. Andrea Horvath-Stolarczyk, pediatrician and gastroenterologist.

The Minister of Health, Izabela Leszczyna, did not want to comment on this matter. She referred us to the National Health Fund, and the officials there helplessly throw up their hands, claiming that they are only implementing the regulations. – Since the regulations in these cases are clearly formulated, the National Health Fund must pursue such claims – says Miłosz Anczakowski, deputy president of the National Health Fund for uniformed services.

Does the National Health Fund abuse the law against doctors?

Since the National Health Fund refers to the regulations, we ask a lawyer, a specialist in medical law, for her opinion. According to Karolina Seidel, in this case the law against doctors is being abused.

– The National Health Fund, taking advantage of the strong position of its office, is acting against the weaker participant in this process, which is the doctor, acting against the principles of social coexistence and against the socio-economic purpose of the law – says Karolina Seidel, an attorney and specialist in medical law.

SEE ALSO: She wrote prescriptions for free medicines for seniors and was fined. “The National Health Fund waited four years”

She wrote prescriptions for free medicines for seniors and was fined. “The National Health Fund waited four years”Marek Nowicki/Fakty TVN

This already has a negative impact on sick children. Some doctors now write them full-price prescriptions just in case. – They refuse to write it out despite a certificate from an allergist, because they are afraid that some official will question it and make them pay for it – says Dr. Aleksandra Kindracka, a pediatrician and allergist.

The matter should be resolved without taking doctors to court, without filing lawsuits and without jeopardizing public institutions. For now, the Ministry of Health is not fulfilling this goal.

Main photo source: TVN24

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