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Today's weather – Sunday 30.06. Heat will come, followed by storms

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Today's weather. Sunday, June 30, will start clear and sunny in most of the country. High values ​​on thermometers, reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius, may prevent us from enjoying the sun. Thunderstorms are expected in the second half of the day.

Today's weather – Sunday 30.06

Sunday is going to be bright and sunny in almost the entire country. In western regions, there will be more clouds in the sky, and light, showery showers may occur in the morning. There are forecasts there in the afternoon and evening storms, in places with violent atmospheric phenomena, including downpours and hail. The storm zone will gradually move towards the central regions.

The temperature during the day will be a maximum of 29 degrees Celsius in Western Pomerania to 35 degrees C in the central and southern regions. The southern wind, turning from the west to the southwest, will be moderate.

Weather forecast for Sundaytvnmeteo.pl

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Biometeorological conditions

During the day, humidity will range from 50 percent in the east to over 70 percent in western regions. We will feel the heat in almost the entire country, only in the north-west it will be very hot. There will be unfavorable weather conditions.

Biometeo conditions on Sunday

Biometeo conditions on Sundaytvnmeteo.pl

Today's weather – Warsaw

Sunday is going to be a good one in Warsaw sunny. Thunderstorms may occur only in the evening. The maximum temperature will be 35 degrees C. The wind will be moderate, south-easterly. At noon, the barometers will show 996 hPa.

Today's weather – Tricity

IN Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot Sunny weather is forecast on Sunday, but storms are expected in the evening. Thermometers will indicate a maximum of 33 degrees C. A moderate and quite strong wind will blow from the southeast. On the barometers at noon we will see 1003 hPa.

Today's weather – Poznan

Initially Sunday in Poznan it will be clear, but there may be thunder in the afternoon. The temperature on the thermometers will be 32 degrees Celsius. The wind will be moderate and quite strong, south-eastern, turning to south-west. The pressure will be 993 hPa at noon.

Today's weather – Wroclaw

Sunday will bring us Wroclaw clear skies, but thunderstorms are possible in the afternoon. The temperature will rise to 33 degrees Celsius. The wind will blow from the south-east, turning to the south-west, moderate and quite strong. Barometers will show 990 hPa at noon.

Today's weather – Krakow

Also residents Krakow A sunny Sunday awaits with possible storms in the evening. Thermometers will show up to 34 degrees Celsius. Moderate winds will blow from the southeast. At noon we will see 981 hPa on the barometers.

Road conditions on Sunday

Road conditions on Sundaytvnmeteo.pl

Main image source: AdobeStock

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