The decor of the oval office resembles the decor like a king – a former White House clerk assesses the changes that took place in him within eight weeks of the presidency of Donald Trump. The number of paintings has already got in the room, and a replica of the World Cup and a golden paper button with the president's name appeared on the countertops. “Gold is everywhere”, comments CNN.
The oval office is the most important place in the White House for every administration. This is the presidents USA He hosts foreign leaders, but also They answer journalists' questions. As CNN notes, during his second term Donald Trump has already introduced a number of changes to this room and plans another.
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Changes in the oval office
According to CNN, Trump has already got a number of images that hung on the walls of the oval office. Currently, there are almost 20 of them and they present the predecessors of the Republican or statesmen, whom he respects or who inspire him. For comparison, in the office Joe Biden Six portraits hung, Au Barack Obama – two.
Trump's paintings in the oval office now include A large portrait of the 40th US President Ronald Reagan on the left side of the desk, and above the fireplace a portrait of the founder's father and the first US president George Washington was hung. In addition, it is also 3. US President Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers Benjamin Franklin, 16. President Abraham Linkoln, 7. President Andrew Jackson, 32. President Franklin D. Roosevelt or 11 President James Polk.
Source: EPA/YURI Gripas
In addition to portraits, numerous new flags, statues and other decorations have also appeared in the room. Behind the desk, on the table you can see, for example, a golden replica of the FIFA World Cup. You can see golden figurines standing on the fireplace, golden eagles on the tables, gold-plated mirrors in the rococo style and the golden cherub (angels) placed above the door of Trump's villa in Mar-a-Lago. The TV pilot in the lobby is also gold -plated. In the presidential office, mainly golden and “gold is everywhere” appeared, comments CNN.
Source: Al Drago/Bloomberg Via Getty Images
Green ivy, which was once above the fireplace, disappeared from the room. He grew out of the seedlings originally given to John F. Kennedy by the ambassador Ireland in the USA.
Source: Alexander Drago/EPA/PAP
Ordinary wooden side tables have been replaced by more effective, with marble tops, on which the busts of Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill stood. Next to the presidential desk stood a map with a large inscription “American Bay”. On the coffee table there is a large golden button for the engraved name “Trump”.
According to CNN, previous American presidents did not surround themselves with such a large number of items as Trump, but the Republican has long seen his office not only as a workplace, but also as a place for show. The station reminds that in its office in Trump Tower there were also numerous decorations, photographs or warehouse covers.
It is noted that Trump is trying to transform the space of an oval office at his own discretion. – Every president has the right to decorate an oval office. However, his decor is so strangely non -resident that he resembles the decor more like the king – he assessed anonymously in an interview with CNN, a former White House official. According to CNN, such changes mean that the White House resembles the more and more residence of Trump in Florida. He adds that within a few weeks, work is to be started on the revitalization of the rose garden, adjacent to the oval office, which aims to transform the area into a patio, modeled on the one that the president has in Mar-a-Lago. On the other hand, on South Lawn, i.e. the area on the southern side of the White House, Trump plans to build a new ballroom, a room where state dinners would take place. The room would be modeled on the one in his villa and which was inspired by the mirror room in Versailles. CNN indicates that Trump said that he would pay for construction from his own money, and even offered to build such a room during the presidency of Barack Obama, but it is not confirmed that the building will stand in this place. See also: Trump argues: there was no waiting for Putin Author/author: pb // mm Source: CNN, Source of the main photo: PAP/EPA/YURI GIPAS/POOLChanges in the White House
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