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Warsaw. The March for Life and Families took place along the Royal Route

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For the 19th time, the March for Family Life took place on the streets of Warsaw. The event was preceded by a holy mass in the church of St. Aleksandra on Trzech Krzyży Square.

On Sunday, under the slogan “United for life, family, homeland”, the March for Life and Family took place from Trzech Krzyży Square towards Belweder. The march was preceded by a Holy Mass. in the church of St. Alexander. The event was attended by parliamentarians, including: Krzysztof and Karina Bosak from Confederation and Antoni Macierewicz from PiS.

“We must defend human dignity”

Fr. Dariusz Furmanik, vicar of the parish of St. Aleksandra said in his homily that “a family that kills its own children is a family without a future and a world that does not respect children is a world without a future.”

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“Therefore, we must (…) stand firmly in defense of every life, which is sacred because it came from the hands of the Creator. We must stand in defense of the dignity of every human being, especially the unborn who cannot yet defend themselves. We must defend the holiness of life in our beloved homeland and our families,” he said. During the mass, Holy Baptism. several children were admitted.

Before setting out, the march participants sang the national anthem.

On the same day, Marches for Life and Family also took place on the streets of, among others, Gdańsk, Kraków and Katowice.

The marches have been taking place since 2006

“Marches for Life and Family are organized to publicly bear witness to the fundamental value of human life from conception and to the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, open to the acceptance and upbringing of children,” the march organizers wrote on the website.

The coordinator of the Marches for Life and Family is the Life and Family Center Foundation. The marches were held under the patronage of the Polish Episcopal Conference.

The first March for Life and Family took place in 2006 in Warsaw. Since then, over 150 cities and towns in the country have undertaken to organize the march, and this number increases every year. The event is also attended by elderly and lonely people, members of movements, associations, clergy and public figures.

A similar event was also organized in April this year.

National March of Life in Warsaw. Reporter's report TVN24

Main photo source: Paweł Supernak/PAP

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