Wojciech Mann This is one of the most popular music journalists in our country. For 53 years he worked in program III of Polish Radio. He left when his editorial friend was dismissed from work Anna Gacek. Today, you can listen to him on Radio Nowy Świat, where he also has the opportunity to cooperate with his son. The material with a journalist has recently been broadcast in the studio “Halo TU Polsat“And he had the opportunity to tell about the relationship with his only descendant. The opportunity was unique, because on January 25 Mann was 77 years old.
Wojciech Mann works with his son. He admitted that he sometimes teaches him
Wojciech Mann he has the birth of his first child Only in the third marriage, with the current wife, with whom he has been creating a relationship for over 30 years. Marcin Mann is already 34 years old and professionally decided to follow in the footsteps of his father. For the first time, the gentlemen had the opportunity to cooperate in 2012, when they led one of the concerts in Opole. The duo of the father and son was delighted with the audience. In 2020, Marcin Mann joined teams Radio Nowy Świat, where his father also works. On January 25, in “Halo Tu Polsat” viewers had the opportunity to see the material realized with Wojciech Mann. Agnieszka Hyży visited the journalist. Mann admitted during the interview that his work on the radio has changed a lot for years. He tries to keep up with technological innovations and social media. By the way, the journalist mentioned his son. – I try to keep up – here I hear my son's mocking laughter. Apart from everything, I have such an internal curiosity of everything. And even if I do not accept it as a participant or user, at least he wants to know why it is how it works – he said. The journalist also had the opportunity to ask if Mann gave her son any advice at work. He honestly admitted that he instructed his son.
You have already summed up it. I can't resist saying what he did inaccurately as it should
he added.
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Wojciech Mann about the relationship with his son. “Marcin carefully hides that I am an authority for him”
Wojciech Mann had the opportunity to tell his relationship with his son's relationship with his son's warehouse. He admitted that he was perfectly cooperated with his son, because they complement each other and even if they are rolling large ones, they can communicate perfectly well. Not only that, the journalist emphasized that he works better with his own son than with other journalists. Mann admitted that his son knows very well what he wants and probably walks through the world. “Marcin, he is not an exemplary son of readings. They were polite, obedient and fathers. And Marcin carefully hides that I am an authority for him. I am depressed. After all, there are areas where I clearly use something with my experience and They know, but it doesn't matter to my son and at all people from his generation, confident, smarter, knowing better ” – he added.