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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Yaroslav. Confused four-year-old alone in the market, previously he was on the playground, his mother watched over him from the window

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A four-year-old boy came to one of the stores in Jarosław (Podkarpacie) behind a group of teenagers. The children did not know the boy. A store worker became interested in his fate and informed the police about the case. The officers found the mother of the four-year-old, who admitted that she watched her son on the playground through the window of her apartment.

The incident took place on Thursday afternoon in one of the stores in JarosÅ‚aw. According to the police, a four-year-old boy came to the market in the company of several teenagers. – It turned out that the children did not know the little boy. They told the store staff that at some point the boy joined their group and followed them – reports Asp. pcs. Anna DÅ‚ugosz from the police in JarosÅ‚aw. And he adds that the confused child was taken care of by a store employee. None of the customers were looking for the child, so she notified the police about the case.

Read also: The four-year-old left the kindergarten on his own and went shopping before his birthday

He was playing in the playground and suddenly he disappeared

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– The four-year-old knew his name, but he couldn’t say where he lived. Officers determined that the child’s parents did not have a permanent address. The boy indicated from which playground he moved away before joining the group of teenagers – describes DÅ‚ugosz.

District officials were able to locate the child’s whereabouts. There they found the mother of a four-year-old. – The woman stated that she watched her son through the window, who was playing in the playground. When she noticed his absence, the woman’s eldest son went looking for it, the policewoman said. The four-year-old was returned to his mother’s care. Now the officers are explaining in detail all the circumstances of the incident.

Main photo source: Shutterstock

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