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Saturday, September 7, 2024

How Does Inflation Work and What Can Be Done to Combat Increasing Prices?

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As a producer of commodities and a nation that fared pretty well through the epidemic, Canada has been affected by the conflict in Ukraine less severely than many other nations. Despite this, the pandemic continues to pose a danger, inflation is much over the goal.

Home affordability is a crucial worry after a protracted boom that may have reached its peak. Staff predicts that the economy will continue to cool significantly, with risks to growth on the downside and the potential for a mild recession in the case of shocks. Let’s start with the very fundamentals of this notion before we examine the issue of inflation in Canada in greater depth.

Why Does Inflation Important and What Is It?

Inflation is called inflation, when prices for goods and services increase while losing buying power. As inflation increases, people and companies must spend more money to purchase the same quantity of products and services. Simply put, everything grows in price.

It’s crucial to remember that the word “inflation” is only used when an increase in prices represents a consistent trend rather than a short-term variation.

The most popular method for measuring inflation is the consumer price index or CPI. The costs of common consumer products and services, such as food, housing, transportation, clothes, and leisure activities, are used to calculate the cost of living.

Like the majority of central banks, the Bank of Canada keeps an eye on “core inflation,” which ignores blips in the overall CPI and concentrates on the long-term trajectory of inflation.

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The bank’s upper limit for inflation management is far lower than the current inflation rate of 7%. The Bank of Canada wants to maintain inflation within its goal range of 1 to 3 percent, or at a midpoint of 2%. Low and consistent inflation supports long-term economic growth. Inflation is determined by how the demand and economic production capacity are balanced.

The bank gets worried if the inflation rate exceeds or goes below the objective of 2%. A high rate of inflation may have a major effect on household budgets by lowering the buying power of a family or an individual. Sometimes it even affects people’s credit scores because, during high inflation, people take out more loans and repay worse, which causes the credit bureau to lower the credit score.

What Is the Impact of Rising Inflation?

Consumers’ ability to purchase less as a result of price increases that happen too rapidly affects their quality of life. Also unknown are the expenses that individuals, companies, and investors may incur. The economy suffers from this uncertainty and volatility.

Pensioners and low-wage workers are particularly affected by high inflation since their wages may not be able to keep up with it, which reduces the value of their earnings and savings.

Why is Canadian Inflation so High?

The rise in inflation is being fueled by a number of causes, such as supply-chain problems that have caused product shortages, significantly higher commodity prices, which are partially due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and low borrowing costs that sparked a boom in property sales.

The price hikes for food and beverages in September resulted from unfavorable weather conditions, greater costs for vital inputs like fertilizer and natural gas, and geopolitical unrest brought on by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Inflation peaked in July, according to economists, as CPI enters its fifth month of slower inflation.

We believe that 2023 could see a focus on lowering inflation since it is proving to be an agonizingly slow process. Decreasing pump prices will assist in reducing the rate for the next month. However, the fact that many core inflation gauges are still rising strongly indicates ongoing underlying pressures.

By the way, now in the world, not only is Canada experiencing inflation problems, but many developed countries of the world have the same problem. For example, in the US, UK, and Germany, inflation has reached 8 percent, which you can see on the chart.

Source: Bank of Canada

What Can Be Done to Stop Inflation?

The central bank of a nation, which is in charge of overseeing the money supply, is in charge of controlling inflation. The Bank of Canada is required by law to advance the country’s financial and economic well-being. This involves keeping inflation modest, steady, and predictable.

Two options are available to the Bank of Canada for sustaining its target inflation rate. The bank may purchase government bonds and other financial assets during a recession to raise the price of these assets and reduce the interest rate that bondholders are paid. This is referred to as quantitative easing.

By lowering this interest rate, other interest rates that affect consumers and companies are also lowered, which reduces the cost of borrowing and spending. The bank sells the bonds when the economy is on track and inflation is within the goal.

The second strategy involves altering the overnight target rate, which is the interest rate the bank charges business banks. To encourage expenditure, the bank may cut interest rates. The bank will increase interest rates once the economy picks up to prevent too much inflation. An increase in interest rates may have an effect on customers’ finances.

Inflation Protection Strategies

A method of controlling financial risk is hedging. You are protected against declining buying power by using an inflation hedge.

Equity investments are an excellent tool to fight inflation since growing stock prices take inflation into account. Because you buy stocks at a range of prices from lower to higher, buying stocks via dollar-cost averaging also helps in hedging against inflation.

Sometimes spending less money wisely and reducing consumption is more beneficial. You can still afford all you actually need with careful planning, and by reducing your spending, you can combat inflation.


After 2022, inflation could not be as high. In order to combat inflation, central banks are beginning to raise interest rates. It becomes more profitable for households and companies to hoard money rather than spend it when interest rates rise because borrowing becomes more expensive. This relieves demand-side strain in turn.

Although hyperinflation and sharp price rises are often mentioned, he thinks it is improbable. When monthly inflation exceeds 50%, hyperinflation is said to have occurred. We are a long way from that scenario.

Therefore, you don’t need to worry about inflation right now since the global economy is still stabilizing, and the Bank of Canada does a respectable job of containing price rises.

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