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Bieliniec, Bieliny. Bloody traces in the disco in which Michał Karaś disappeared

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Investigators already have the opinion of experts on the bloody traces secured in the building of the former Babylon disco in Bieliny. It was there that 16-year-old Michał Karaś from Bielińiec in Podkarpacie was last seen on the night of 19-20 August 2000. The boy has not been found until today. It is also not known what happened to him.

Night Club Babylon was located in a small, two -story building on the sidelines of Bielin. On the first floor there was a bar and lodges, on the second room for dancing. Chamber, for 200-250 people. Mainly residents of nearby towns – Bielińca, Ulanów, and Kamionki came down here. Today is the fire station of the local TSO.

The former disco building was searched on November 28 last year, only 24 years after Michał's disappearance. The seats selected on the basis of the analysis of the collected evidence were examined. The activities were conducted by police from the Forensic Laboratory of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Rzeszów under the supervision of prosecutor Michał Lasota at the District Prosecutor's Office in Tarnobrzeg. During five hours of activities, technicians secured, among others Traces that were sent to research experts in the field of biological and bloody traces from the Forensic Laboratory in Rzeszów.

Read also: Michał had fun here before he disappeared. Investigators after 24 years entered the building of the former disco

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Investigators already have the opinion of experts. – Secured traces are not related to Michał's disappearance – prosecutor Michał Lasota said in an interview with tvn24.pl.

The interior of the building looks completely different today than in 2000Martyna Sokołowska

The owner of the disco was then 30-year-old Marek K. pseud. The Grand Master sentenced in 2018 by a final judgment to 11 years in prison for managing a criminal group. According to investigators, K. recruited, among others friends from the gym who also worked on protection in his disco.

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The police from Niska, who was looking for Michał Karas, never connected Marek K. with his disappearance. As one of the uniformed told us, “the police did not have” – ​​then – “knowledge that a man could be involved in criminal activities.” Was the man related to Michał's disappearance? Investigators do not rule out such a version of events. The man is to be questioned at the end of the investigation, after gathering complete evidence.

The “Babylon” disco was located in this building. Today, the local TSO has its headquarters thereMartyna Sokołowska

In October, a reservoir was searched, which is located on a plot adjacent to the building, in which the “Babylon” disco and the surrounding sewage wells were located years ago. No signs of a missing 17-year-old were found there.

Read also: There you could hide the corpse. 24 years after the disappearance of Michał, they checked the reservoir at the disco

Investigators dug and searched a tanker, which in 2000 she served as a septic tank next to the discoMartyna Sokołowska

They found a “mysterious blonde”

Investigators selected and found a “mysterious blonde”, with which the lost 16-year-old was to dance from 19 to 20 August 2000. – This woman has already been questioned. She confirmed that that evening she was at a disco in Bieliny and that she danced in Michał, however, did not bring groundbreaking information to the case – prosecutor Michał Lasota, who was investigating Michał, told us.

Read also: He danced with a mysterious blonde and was lost. “She is the key to solving this puzzle”

There is also no indication that the woman had something to do with Michał's disappearance, or could know what happened to him. So why the information from witnesses who – as the police argued – reported that the boy got into the car with her and drove away from the disco? Did anyone want to confuse the clues in this matter and direct them to other tracks? Investigators are not commenting yet.

Michał Karaś Family archive

One of the actions that can bring a breakthrough in the case are re -interrogations with the participation of an expert investigative psychologist selected by the prosecutor with witnesses. These include, among others, people who on the day of the 16-year-old disappearance were at a disco in Bieliny and those selected on the basis of the analysis of the act of proceedings, which in the opinion of the prosecutor, may have some information on the disappearance of Michał.

And – as Lasota told us – the first auditions were brought by new information. Among other things, it was possible to determine that Michał was seen later after he was to dance with a girl about blond hair. Due to the good of the pending proceedings, the prosecutor's office will not provide detailed information in this case.

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Investigators once again appeal to witnesses to break the collusion of silence. Pursuant to Article 240 of the Penal Code, who “, having reliable news about criminal preparation or attempt to commit a criminal act”, including murder, “does not immediately notify the authority appointed to prosecute crimes, is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years”. A person who testifies untruthful can go to prison for up to eight years.

Michał Karaś Family archive

Investigation after 23 years

The investigation into the disappearance of the teenager was initiated only after 23 years, September 28, 2023, a year after the notification, which was made by the sister of the missing boy in the District Prosecutor's Office in Nisko. It takes place from Article 148 of the Penal Code, which concerns the murder. On October 16, the case for further conduct was taken over by the District Prosecutor's Office in Tarnobrzeg.

The case started after the notification that the sister and brother of the missing 16-year-old made in the prosecutor's office. After how In September 2023, we described the case on TVN24.pl And we interested the founders of the Krakow Archive X, they met with her family and helped write her request to the prosecutor's office to initiate an investigation in this matter.

Read also: 23 years ago he went to the disco and was gone. The prosecutor's office checks what happened to Michał

Michał's siblings believe that the boy could fall victim to a crime.

– We think that Michał could be murdered – Bożena Martyna, sister of the missing teenager, told us. – Michał was a responsible person, he did not cause educational problems. He looked after the sick dad, helped on the farm. It has never happened before that he would not return home overnight. He was not conflict, he had no enemies – she pointed out.

Siblings also exclude two other scenarios – suicide and escape from home.

He danced with a mysterious blonde and was lost

We described the disappearance of Michał Karasia on the tvn24.pl portal at the beginning of September 2023. The boy lived with his sister and father in Bielińiec, a small village in Podkarpacie. On Saturday, August 19, 2000, with a group of colleagues, he went on a disco to a disco to the town of Bieliny, four kilometers away and disappeared. The family first looked for a boy on their own, on Monday she informed the police about the disappearance.

Read also: Looking for traces on the soul and the mystery of the disappearance of Michał Karas

A lot could not be determined in this matter, and the activities themselves from Nisko, which conducted activities in this matter, informs very laconically. Staff Sergeant Katarzyna worked, a press officer of the Poviat Police Headquarters in Nisko, told us that a number of people were interviewed and asked, and the content received was analyzed and verified. ” The matter of the disappearance of Michał Karas has been a mystery for nearly a quarter of a century.

Do you have information and Michał? Call

People who have information about the missing Michał, were at the disco in Bieliny on August 19, 2000, or may have relevant information in the case, are asked to contact the police – you can personally come to the Poviat Police Headquarters in Nisko, call the phone number 47 826 33 10contact the District Prosecutor's Office in Tarnobrzeg at the number 15 866 81 11 or the Itaka Foundation, which is searching for Michał at the number 22 654 70 70.

Investigators guarantee informers anonymity.

Michał Karaś was 16 when he was missing Family archive

Author/author:Martyna Sokołowska

Source of the main photo: Family archive

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