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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Odrzywół. “A 15-year-old was riding a quad bike without a helmet. He hit the closed gate of the kindergarten property.” He was taken to hospital

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A 15-year-old boy on a quad bike hit the closed entrance gate to the kindergarten. He was taken to hospital in a serious condition.

On Friday night, June 14, police officers from the Odrzywole Police Station received a report about a road accident in Potworów, located in Przysucha County.

“A 15-year-old resident of the Radom district was riding a quad bike, without a driving license and without wearing a helmet, at speed and crashed into the closed gate of the kindergarten property. As a result of the incident, the teenager was taken to hospital in a serious condition,” the post reported. Aleksandra Bałtowska from the District Police Headquarters in Przysucha.

Police appeal

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This incident could have ended much worse. The police remind you that riding a bicycle, scooter, quad or other vehicle on a public road is prohibited without having a driving license in a given category.

“Although a helmet may seem uncomfortable or unnecessary, it plays a key role in protecting our heads in the event of an accident. A fall without a helmet can lead to serious skull, brain and even death injuries. Remember that even the slightest collision can end tragically if not We have adequate protection, especially in the case of vulnerable road users,” the uniformed officers appealed.

Read also: Police blockade and warning shots

He drove at high speed towards the police car and the policeman stopping him. Warning shots were firedSilesian police

Main photo source: KPP in Przysucha

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