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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

10 Tips for Pokémon Go

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It may be over 6 years old, but Pokémon GO is still alive and well! And thanks to years of updates, improvements and additions, the augmented reality mobile game is better than ever. So, whether you’re hopping back in after a long hiatus, or if you’re picking up Pokémon GO for the very first time, here are 10 tips to help you get ahead.

1.    Use Adventure Sync

If you’re anything like me, you disabled “Adventure Sync” when you first heard about it—wondering why the game wanted to spy on how many steps you took… Boy, was that a bad decision.

Pokémon GO is all about moving, and when you move you get perks. From your buddy finding candies to hatching incubating eggs. Adventure Sync synchronises Pokémon GO account with your phone’s health app, allowing your steps to be counted even when the app is closed. Meaning you don’t have to walk 12km with the app open to hatch that rare egg… phew!

2.    Use Incubators Wisely

Speaking of incubators, you better use them wisely because they get rarer and rarer as you continue to play the game. While you may be showered with incubators in your first week of play, they quickly become a rare drop which can only be reliably obtained through the in-game shop.

For this reason, I’d suggest using consumable incubators for the longest-distance eggs (10 or 12km), while using the infinite incubator for everything below. It may initially feel like your eggs are taking forever but trust me—in the long run you will hatch far, far more eggs this way.

3.    Use XP Boosters and Daily Incense

Many of us are averse to using consumables, but Pokémon GO actively encourages you to use them by providing a steady supply. Daily incense is the prime example of this, as it is given to you daily—so make sure you use it!

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I’d also suggest using XP boosters at low ranks, as it boosts ALL XP. Including the XP gained from finding new Pokémon—something that is far, far more common when you first start out.

4.    Turn of AR

It may be an Augmented Reality game, but after a while the AR features in Pokémon GO just slow you down. Specifically, when it comes to feeding your buddy. Instead of wasting your time, head into options and turn AR mode off. You’ll thank me later.

5.    Pay Attention to Star Ratings

What are star ratings, I hear you ask. Well, they’re a semi-hidden stat that every Pokémon has. Star ratings define the overall attack, defence and HP of any given Pokémon, along with their distribution. This is why two of the same Pokémon can feel wildly different in battle, even if they are the same CP.

To see this stat, select a Pokémon and hit “appraise”. I’d also recommend only upgrading Pokémon with a star rating of 2 or above. That said, you can evolve lower rated Pokémon purely for your Poké-dex.

6.    Throw Curveballs

These spinning balls may look fancy, but they actually increase your chance of catching Pokémon… So yeah, nothing complex here… Just throw curveballs!

7.    Don’t Wait to Start Raids

Raids are where the best XP rewards and the highest-ranking Pokémon can be caught. They may seem daunting to start with, but provided you are somewhere with a lot of Pokémon GO players, you’ll likely be able to win raids and snag yourself some seriously beefy Pokémon. Something that’s especially important when you’re starting out.

Also, as you get one free raid pass per day for spinning a gym Poké-stop, there’s no reason not to raid once a day.

8.    Learn Battle Types

While the goal of Pokémon has always been to catch them all, the game wouldn’t be much without battling. While high CP numbers seem light the main thing to look out for when fighting, you also want to learn Pokémon types in order to give yourself an advantage in fights. These are standard, and have been for ages, across the whole Pokémon universe. There are plenty of simple diagrams out there to help ensure that you’re always picking good matchups. This is doubly important when it comes to raids.

9.    Get Your Pokémon in Gyms

You may be catching and battling, but are you in Gyms? They are where you get the best loot—Coins. Yes, those coins which you can only otherwise buy for real cash.

To get your Pokémon in gyms you have to win a raid alongside your team, your Pokémon will then sit to defend the gym. The longer they sit, the more coins you earn.

You can also take over Gym spots from your and other teams by knocking out Pokémon currently in the gym.

But ensure you’re placing in gyms that people will attack, as if nobody attacks, you get no coins!

That said, you can buy Pokémon Coins at a discount through Eldorado!

10.                       Take Part in Events

Pokémon GO is bursting with special events, both locational-specific events and seasonal events. Be sure to take part in these as much as possible in order to get some sweet rewards and special Pokémon!

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