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Ukraine-Russia. Significant advance of the Kremlin army. The worst-case scenario is confirmed

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Sunday marks the 802nd day war in Ukraine. According to the analyzes of the American Institute for the Study of War, on the previous night from Friday to Saturday, the Russians “They have made significant tactical progress northwest of Avdiivka near Arkhangelsk.

Capturing this village also confirmed by the pro-Ukrainian social media channel DeepState on Saturday evening. According to his account, they were enemy soldiers they raised a flag over one of the buildings there. Just earlier this week On Monday, April 29, we wrote in Interia about fierce fighting for a nearby town Ocheretyne.

Ukraine-Russia. The Kremlin army captured more towns. Kyiv is waiting for US help

ISW stated that it was a possible cause dynamic actions of the Russians in this section are direct consequences of the decision of the Ukrainian side withdrawal from this area on Friday. “Other geolocation material shows that Russian troops have also advanced to the eastern outskirts of the village of Arkhangelsk” – we read in the think tank's report.

In the opinion of the American group, the above data indicate that it is most likely Kremlin forces also occupied other nearby settlements – Keramik i Nowokalinowo – both southeast of Arkhangelsk.

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Analysts from the Institute believe that the Ukrainians “may have decided “convert space into time” in anticipation of increased aid from overseas, which it will soon reach the front lines.

In turn, according to Major Alexei Hetman – a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and today a commentator of current situations quoted by the Unian agency – Russians 'have already missed their window of opportunity'which they had at the beginning of this year due to delays in deliveries of military equipment from United States.

War in Ukraine. ISW: The aim of the Russian offensive is to fully occupy two oblasts

In Saturday's analysis about the situation on the ISW front line he emphasized that in the summer of 2024 Russia plans to launch an offensive operation in Ukraine. At the same time, specialists emphasize – citing sources in the Ukrainian services – that the aim of their enemy's actions is to be complete capture of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

The ISW's claims were also confirmed by the commander of land units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Gen. Oleksandr Pavlyuk. According to the military, if the Russians manage to capture Donbas, the Kremlin army will also try to occupy the Zaporozhye Oblast.

Gen. Pawluk also stated that Russian forces also have a plan to capture the second most populated city in Ukraine – Kharkov – and also another peripheral city – Sum. According to the Institute, however Capturing Kharkov will be difficult for Russia.

Meanwhile according to Ukrainian soldier Mykola Volokhov the troops of his army are ready for many options. – We are preparing for the worst-case scenario, based on the enemy's maximum capabilities rather than the most likely actions. This is the action universal approach both in war and in business, the commander explained in an interview with Radio NV.

National Security Advisor at the White House Jake Sullivan however, he assessed that the recently approved American military aid will help Ukraine conduct a counteroffensive in 2025.

Source: ISW, Unian, Financial Times, Interia

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