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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Head of the National Security Bureau: defense spending will not decrease

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– Defense spending in the declaration of the Minister of National Defense will not be reduced – said Jacek Siewiera in “Fakty po Faktach”. The head of the National Security Bureau was also asked about the purpose of the Polish delegation going to the NATO summit in Washington.

President Andrzej Duda convened the National Security Council on Monday before going to the top FOR THIS in Washington. – There will be an opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas related to what will be discussed from the political side during the NATO summit – said the president. He also said that he had sent the prime minister Donald Tusk recommendations for the new National Security Strategy.

Siewiera on recommendations for the new SBN

Speaking about the recommendations for the National Security Strategy, the head of the National Security Bureau, Jacek Siewiera, explained that “they contain a comprehensive, overview concept of state security for the nearest, medium and long term horizon, containing both the military part, reforms of the Armed Forces, methods of financing and organizing the Armed Forces, but also the non-military part, concerning the system of managing the state's defense in the political factor, the system of protecting the population, infrastructure, civic rescue, for example projects of the 'first rescuer' type, or solutions concerning energy security, critical infrastructure in the Baltic Sea”.

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– The entire overview of the necessary efforts of the state that must be made to push back the horizon of a potential confrontation. So that the costs of potential aggression are so high that they do not pay off – added the guest of “Fakty po Faktach”.

As he explained, what is to change first and foremost is “the way in which the state moves from peacetime to wartime”. – How competences and tasks are assigned to individual factors of political decisions – he explained.

As he listed, “this includes, for example, including the Marshals of the Sejm and Senate for use in the system of directing the country's defense, but also the issue of permanent defense plans.” – This means the possibility of using the army without declaring martial law, without declaring a state of war or wartime. The possibility of using tactical units on the territory of Poland to carry out their tasks – he explained.

Head of the National Security Bureau: defense spending will not decrease

Siewiera was asked about reports from Telewizja Republika, which said it had obtained a document that allegedly showed that the Ministry of National Defense plans to reduce defense spending by 25 percent (by about PLN 57 billion) in the years 2025-2028. These reports were denied by the Ministry of Defense.

– Defense spending in the declaration of the Minister of National Defense will not be reduced. But the documents that were revealed by conservative media are true – Siewiera stated. – Citizens must understand well what this results from – he added.

He explained that “the budget of these 4 percent consists of three elements”. – This is the Military Service Remuneration Fund, the Central Material Plans Fund, the one that this discussion is about, and the so-called decentralized expenses – he listed. – This is the whole that makes up the budget of the Ministry of National Defense, the planned one. These are three buckets that make up a large part of the 4 percent. In addition, there is something called the Armed Forces Support Fund managed by the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, from which these great historical purchases were made during the time of the previous government. So it is that VAT on these great purchases must be settled from the CPR budget, the state budget. This is 23 percent of the value of all the great purchases that were made – said Siewiera.

He added that “these are documents drawn up relatively recently, in recent days, in which the Chief of General Staff unequivocally stated that from the CPR, i.e. Central Material Plans, finding this money, including to cover VAT, but also for other expenses (…) should be sought in another fund”.

– Spending less than 4 percent, which is also reflected in the president's recommendations for the National Security Strategy, is absolutely unacceptable in the coming years, because this is the foundation of our security, this is a task that the entire country faces. However, when it comes to increasing the efficiency of their spending, it is possible – he stated.

Asked whether this means that the Ministry of National Defence's expenditure will not be cut, Siewiera replied: – Today, the Minister of National Defence commented on this unequivocally, and the president also accepted this information with satisfaction.

Siewiera on the NATO summit in Washington

Siewiera was also asked about the purpose of the Polish delegation going to the NATO summit in Washington. – First of all, it is to strengthen the eastern flank of NATO and its proper planning. However, this planning is reflected both in regional plans and in the use of experience from the conflict that is taking place in Ukrainebut systemic for all NATO allies, not only for selected allies who have access to them, like us, but also for those who are at a much greater geographical distance – said the head of the National Security Bureau.

As he added, “for this purpose, among other things for the proper transformation of the Ukrainian army, JATEC (Joint NATO-Ukraine Analysis, Training and Education Centre – ed.) is being established in Poland, which was jointly visited today by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Minister of National Defence”.

– This summit will confirm the installation of this centre in Poland, in a format that will provide financing until full readiness is achieved – he informed.

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