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Parliamentary elections in 2023. PiS and PO – what are the opinion polls? Jarosław Sellin and Marcin Bosacki comment

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Law and Justice is ranked first in polls and in the results of the last seven elections. And with this result we will have elections in October – said Jarosław Sellin, deputy minister of culture and national heritage, in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24. On the other hand, Marcin Bosacki, a senator of the Civic Coalition, said that his party was “on the rise”. This is how politicians referred to the Ipsos poll for OKO.press and TOK FM, which shows that PiS has a two percentage point advantage over KO.

The guests of “Kropki nad i” – Jarosław Sellin, deputy minister of culture and national heritage and Marcin Bosacki, senator of the Civic Coalition, referred to the pre-election polls parties, including the latest Ipsos poll for OKO.press and TOK FM. According to this poll, PiS has 33 percent of support, Civic Coalition – 31, Confederation – 12 percent, Left – 8 percent, Third Way – 7 percent, and Agrounia – 2 percent.

Sellin: I keep my fingers crossed for Donald Tusk to be the main face of the opposition

– For nine years and in the results of the last seven elections, and in the polls – also in these – Law and JusticeThe United Right has the first position. And with this result – the first position in the polls, but also the real electoral result – we will reach the elections in October – commented Sellin.

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But I’m keeping my fingers crossed Donald Tuskto be the main face of the opposition, to be the leader of the opposition. It will be easier for us to win the elections. Because every sensible Pole will think before the ballot box whether (he will vote – ed.) for such a hater, (…), for a man who led such an irresponsible policy, including foreign policy – in the years 2007-2014, for a simply weak politician without state instinct, (whether) it is worth entrusting the responsibility for power in Poland in such turbulent times – continued the deputy minister.

Bosacki: we are on the rise

The results of the survey were also commented on by Marcin Bosacki.

– This is a confirmation of the trend that we have now caught up – firstly, we have broken the 30 percent level, secondly – we have caught up with Law and Justice, which has a dozen or so percent lower support – i.e. about a third – than it had in 2019 – he said.

– We are on the rise and we will defeat PiS in the elections on our own. But of course, we also keep our fingers crossed for other opposition parties so that they get into parliament with good results and that we create a government that will remove this thieving power and ruining Polish interests in Europe from power, added the politician of the Civic Coalition.

Main photo source: TVN24

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