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Ukraine. Ceasefire. Vladimir Putin reacts to Orban's proposal

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The echoes of the visit do not die down Viktor Orban in Kiev. The Hungarian Prime Minister, however, had a proposal for Volodymyr Zelenskywhich concerns a ceasefire in relations with Russia. This – in his opinion – would bring the two warring countries closer to peace. He also mentioned the misunderstandings that have arisen between the countries. In his opinion now is the time to focus on the future.

Ukraine. Orban proposed a ceasefire. Putin reacts

– We must ensure that the other side (Ukraine – ed.) agrees to take steps that will be irreversible and acceptable to Russia – the Russian leader said at a press conference after the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, which was organized in the capital Kazakhstan Astana. – A ceasefire without reaching an agreement is impossible – he added.

He also said that there is no point in Russia trying to appeal to the Ukrainian parliament for ideas. Moscow to end the conflict between the two countries.

Putin, in line with the Kremlin's line, reiterated that Russia “has never refused to negotiate,” but ending the conflict with the help of mediators “seems unlikely.” “Of course, I don't know about the possible proposals,” Putin said. Donald Trump. And this is of course the key question. But I have no doubt that he is sincere about it. And we will support him, Putin said, referring to the announcement of the former host of the White House, who is competing with Joe Biden in the US presidential election.

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He then stated that Russia “is ready for dialogue with the US”, but there is no hope for a “constructive dialogue” between Moscow and Washington until the American elections.

Everything indicates that it will happen this week Putin-Orban direct meeting. According to Szabolcs Panyi, a journalist from the investigative portal VSquare, citing several independent Western sources, the meeting of the leaders is to take place in Moscow on Friday.

This information was also confirmed by the Radio Free Europe website, based on Hungarian government sources.

In June, Putin said Russia would end the war on Ukraine only if Kiev agrees to abandon its ambitions to join NATO and return the four districts claimed by Moscow in their entirety. In turn, Ukraine and Western countries point out that the end of the war depends solely on Putin's single decision and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the occupied territories.

The two-day summit of the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has ended in Astana. It was attended by over 10,000 delegates, including several heads of state. Among those present were the chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, Alexander LukashenkoPresident of Azerbaijan Ilham Alijew and Turkey – Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Also present were heads of international organizations, including the UN Secretary General Antonio GuterresOne of the main points of the program was the admission of Belarus, which had previously had observer status, into the organization.

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