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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

War in Ukraine. Belgorod Oblast attacked. Russia makes accusations

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The governor announced on Saturday evening about attacks on residential buildings in the Belgorod region, near the border with Ukraine. Vyacheslav Gladkov.

His statement was quoted by Reuters. As we read, a representative of the Russian local government assessed that Ukrainian forces were responsible for the strikes. “Four residents of the Belgorod region in southern Russia were killed in Ukrainian attacks on Saturday,” Gladkov said. Three deaths were previously reported.

Gladkov reported that people died in the attacks allegedly carried out by Ukraine two men and two women.

War in Ukraine. Shelling of the Belgorod area. Russia accuses Kyiv

As a result of intense rocket fire, more people were injured 12 other people – 11 adults and a child. In total, 10 injured people were taken to hospital, including two seriously.

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Vyacheslav Gladkov also added that air defense systems intercepted it region of 15 targets.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also commented on the situation. As we read, the attack was to take place at 19 Moscow time. The Ukrainians did not comment in any way on the accusations distributed by Russia.

Information about the attack appeared after massive shelling of Kharkov. According to data from the Ukrainian services, at least six people were killed and dozens were injured in at least four separate attacks.

Sources: Reuters, Ria Novosti

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