Weather for tomorrow, i.e. on Sunday 16.03. At night, light frost will squeeze, snow and snow rainfall will appear locally. The day will initially bring a cheerful aura, later a gradual increase in cloudiness is expected, as well as rainfall.
At night, in the majority of the country, it will be cheerful and without rainfall. Large cloudy is expected only in the south -east of Poland. There, there will be poor snow rainfall up to 1-2 liters per square meter. In the mountains it will fall to 2 centimeters of snow. In the second part of the night in the West there will be fog, and locally fogs limiting visibility to 100-200 meters. The minimum temperature will be from -6/-5 degrees Celsius in the northeast of the country to -2/-1 degrees C in the southeast. A weak, variable wind will blow.
Weather for the
Weather for tomorrow – Sunday 16.03
On Sunday morning, a cheerful and sunny aura will add in the majority of the country. During the day, from the north, it is forecast to increase cloudiness to large with poor rainfall. These precipitation will gradually change into rain with snow. Thermometers will show a maximum of 6-7 degrees Celsius in the east of Poland, through 7-8 degrees C in the center, to 8-9 degrees Celsius in the west. The north-west wind, weak and moderate, only in the north in gusts will accelerate to 40-50 kilometers per hour.
Weather forecast for
Biometeo conditions
Air humidity during the day will be 40-90 percent. In the north of Poland it will be cold, and the inhabitants of the other regions will feel thermal comfort. Biometeorological conditions will be unfavorable in the north of the country, neutral in the north belt and at the south-eastern ends. In other regions, the weather will have a positive effect on our well -being.
Biometeo conditions on
Weather for the night – Warsaw
Night in Warsaw It promises to be cheerful. The minimum temperature will be -3/-2 degrees C. The wind will be weak, variable. The pressure at midnight will be 1006 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Warsaw
Sunday in Warsaw will bring a cheerful and sunny aura. Thermometers will show a maximum of 7-8 degrees C. The wind will turn out to be weak, northwest. The pressure at noon will be 1002 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot
Night in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot It will be marked by the sunny aura. On thermometers we will see -2/-1s vol. C. A weak, southwestern wind. The pressure at midnight will be 1018 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot
Before the inhabitants of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot, a cloudy Sunday with poor rainfall in the second part of the day, passing in the evening in rain with snow and snow. The temperature at the warmest moment of the day will rise to 5-6 degrees C. West wind will turn out to be moderate, in gusts quite strong. The pressure at noon will be 1015 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Poznań
At night in Cognition It will be cheerful, besides, foggy is possible. The minimum temperature will be -3/-2 degrees C. A weak, variable wind will blow. The pressure at midnight will be 1008 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Poznań
On Sunday in Poznań, a cheerful aura is forecast. In the second part of the day there will be moderate and large clouds. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 7-8 degrees C. The wind will turn out to be weak and moderate, northwest. The pressure at noon will be 1004 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Wrocław
Night at Wrocław It promises to be cheerful. Thermometers will indicate -4/-3 degrees C. The wind is weak, it will blow from the north -east. The pressure at midnight will be 1004 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Wrocław
The inhabitants of Wrocław are waiting for a cheerful and sunny weather on Sunday. The maximum temperature will reach 7-8 degrees C. The wind will blow poorly from changing directions. The pressure at noon will be 1001 hPa and will increase.
Weather for the night – Krakow
At night in Krakow A big cloudiness will occur. The minimum temperature will be -2/-1 degrees C. The wind will turn out to be weak, north-east. The pressure at midnight will be 990 hPa and will fall.
Weather for tomorrow – Krakow
On Sunday in Krakow, a lot of cloudiness is expected to spread. Thermometers will show a maximum of 6-7 degrees C. The wind will turn out to be weak, north-east. The pressure at noon will be 988 hPa and will increase.
Road conditions on
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