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US Elections: Joe Biden Far Behind Donald Trump, Latest Poll

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Two studies published on Wednesday by the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal show the largest advantage yet Donald Trump they Joe Bidenem.

According to a poll by the New York Times and Siena College, after the debate, Trump's lead among voters planning to vote increased by 3 percentage points: 49 percent want to vote for Trump respondents, and and Biden – 43 proc.

US Presidential Elections. Latest Poll

This advantage is even greater when all registered voters are taken into account. The number of respondents who said that 81-year-old president he's too oldto serve in his role. As for the 78-year-old Trump, 42 percent expressed this opinion.

In the Wall Street Journal poll, Trump's lead over Biden is also 6 percentage points (48% to 42%), up two points from the same poll in February. 76% – up 7% from February – also consider Biden too old (for Trump, the figure is 56%). In both polls, the former president's lead over the current president is the largest recorded since the survey began.

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US Presidential Election. Will Joe Biden Withdraw?

Biden He is also facing increasingly open concerns about his chances from politicians in his own party. On Wednesday, he was called on to withdraw from the race second Democratic congressman, Raul Grijalva from Arizona, which is crucial to the election outcome.

Earlier, a similar appeal was made by a congressman from Texas. Lloyd Duggett, and two others — Jared Golden of Maine and Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez — said Biden would lose the election. The former Democratic leader in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi She said it was legitimate to ask whether Biden's debate performance was just an “episode” and called on both Biden and Trump to get tested.

Despite these calls, the president made it clear during a conference call with his staff on Wednesday that he intends to continue running.

– Nobody is pushing me out. I'm not leaving. I'm staying in this race until the end and we will win it – he said, quoted by NBC News. Biden's intentions were equally clear. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierreclaiming Biden told her he had “absolutely” no intention of dropping out of the race.

Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump. Who won the debate?

67% of respondents who watched last week's debate thought he won Donald Trump, while 33 percent indicated Joe Biden – according to a survey commissioned by CNN.

The results of the survey, conducted among 565 voters watching the debate in Atlanta, show that Trump did better and Biden worse than originally expected. Before the debate, 55% of those same respondents predicted Trump would win, while 45% predicted Biden.

In a similar poll after the first Biden-Trump debate in 2020, the former won by a similar margin, 60 percent to 28 percent.

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