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Coalition agreement between Law and Justice and the Republican Party. Tomasz Siemoniak comments

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Tomasz Siemoniak, vice-president of the Civic Platform, referring to the provisions of the coalition agreement between Law and Justice and the Republican Party in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24, assessed that “this is naked political clientelism, handing out positions in exchange for votes”. He added that “someday this agreement will be in some textbook, first forensics and then political science.”

Tomasz Siemoniak, vice-president of the Civic Platform, former head of the Ministry of National Defence, referred in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24 to the provisions of the coalition agreement between Law and Justice and the Republican Party, disclosed by tvn24.pl, which was concluded in October 2021, where the vast majority of points refer to separation of powers: places on lists, positions in the government and in publicly funded institutions. Only one applies to the program in general terms.

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Siemoniak: you might expect this to be just the tip of the iceberg

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The PO politician said that “this is a question of the policy model that he has been creating in Poland for several years Jaroslaw Kaczynskinot focused on the common good, but on positions and money.

– JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski demoralizes this group, (…), with positions and money, and they use it ruthlessly. This is the sole responsibility of JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski and it can be expected that this is only the tip of the iceberg and that the whole country is distributed – as in some Middle Ages to feudal lords – piece by piece, to various factions, he continued.

– This is naked political clientelism, handing out positions in exchange for votes, demoralizing for all these people, (…), this is tearing apart the state, this is also the umbrella of the services. Who discovered the NBCR scandal? Media and MPs, not any services. So this is simply a system of organized use of state jobs for masses of incompetent, greedy people, he continued.

Siemoniak also said that “someday this agreement will be in some textbook, first forensics and then political science, (about what – ed.) PiS has done with the state.” – Children will rub their eyes in amazement that it was possible that there were people who led Poland in this way – added the TVN24 guest.

Siemoniak on “inability to face challenges”

Siemoniak also referred to the civic project on in vitro, which was submitted to the Sejm on Thursday. Nearly half a million people have signed it. The authors of the civic project “YES for in vitro” postulate spending at least PLN 500 million annually on the in vitro program.

Nearly half a million signatures for the project on in vitro. “It’s not an expense. It’s an investment in the future”

Asked whether he thought the politicians of the ruling party would accept the project, he replied: – Of course they won’t.

He said that he collected signatures for this project himself. – They were very easy to collect. In Jarocin, people came and wanted to sign. They understand that we have a demographic catastrophe, that it is a tragedy for many families. On the other hand, the mere fact that it was the PO that collected it will make PiS reject it after four months, not facing the demographic catastrophe at all, with the fact that there are fewer and fewer Poles, he added.

– Certainly it is also a fear of the Church, but it is also an inability to face challenges. I have the impression, apart from everything else, that PiS is such a burned out party, it has no idea for Poland and for the future. Only PR tricks, only political gold and to survive tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. They don’t offer anything, he said AFTER.

– I believe that people can see the emptiness that stands behind PiS. These scandals don’t come out of nowhere. Their scope, the fact that almost all of them participate in this procedure, shows that they think only and exclusively about their own wallets and their own future, they think little about Poland, and about the big challenges facing Poland – not at all. And that’s why everyone is fed up with them – assessed Tomasz Siemoniak.

Siemoniak on the draft law on in vitro: people understand that we have a demographic catastropheTVN24

Main photo source: TVN24

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